By Maurice Carter, Sustainable Newton President
“It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new."
Niccolò Machiavelli's words from his 1532 work, The Prince, have never rang more true than now. Just ask President Joe Biden, whose climate agenda and proposed clean energy policies are the largest "new order of things" we've seen in America in our lifetimes. For the world, decarbonizing economies to respond to the climate crisis -- as agreed via the Paris Climate Agreement -- is likely the largest single undertaking in human history.
Stop in the Name of Love (of Money) By opposing President Biden's Clean Electricity Performance Program (CEPP), Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) casts himself as the visible face of the enemies Machiavelli noted. Manchin is doing very well under the current order of things through the backing of the coal, oil, and gas interests who have done extremely well themselves for decades.
Public polling consistently shows broad-based support for federal actions to promote alternative/renewable energy sources and implement tougher standards that limit power plant and vehicle emissions. The CEPP was polling strongly all year, since being announced last fall. Yet our legislative system empowers one man -- doing the bidding of a handful of industries -- to hold absolute sway over energy policy.
Which takes us back to Machiavelli. A vast majority of Americans know climate change is a growing threat and present danger. They expect to fare better in a world with cleaner air and fewer heatwaves, wildfires, floods, and damaging storms fueled by climate change. But facing an onslaught of misinformation funded by fossil fuel interests, most Americans fall into the realm of "lukewarm defenders" in the Machiavellian view. Whereas coal, oil, and gas interests are a highly motivated, fully funded, and well connected bunch.
The Winter of Our Discontent
To make things worse, America and the rest of the world are headed for a winter that will test the mettle of even the most ardent clean energy proponents, as foretold by Thomas Friedman and others. Great Britain and Europe are already facing an energy crunch that is causing natural gas shortages and price escalation that forebodes dangerous and unsettling months ahead. Writing about the impending energy crisis, Fareed Zakaria argues transition strategies are needed to get us by until solar and wind (with battery storage) are robust enough to be our primary energy sources. I can somewhat (if reluctantly) buy his case for natural gas as a transitional strategy to get completely off of coal. And I especially concur with investing to fix methane leaks in ~1,400 fossil-fuel plants world-wide. (While it stays in the atmosphere for less time than carbon, methane's greenhouse effect is 80 times worse than CO2. So, reducing methane quickly is an effective way to make a meaningful dent in global warming.) It's a difficult dynamic. Methane emissions make relying on natural gas as our primary energy source far more harmful than most people recognize. And, yet, Zakaria and Friedman are probably right about the lack of immediate alternatives. You Can Get There from Here So, implementing a new order of things is devilishly difficult. And managing a complex transition is even tougher. But to move from lukewarm supporter to persevering proponent, there are points to learn and internalize.
Ultimately, Sustainable Newton supports all 20 climate solutions analyzed and recommended by Drawdown Georgia. Rather than looking out to a mid-century time horizon, scientists from Georgia Tech, the University of Georgia, Emory, and other state universities focused narrowly on actions that could be taken in this decade to eliminate 35% of Georgia's carbon emissions by 2030. We're committed to maximizing those in our county. The world -- and our state -- have the proven solutions we need to address the climate crisis. And, as I outlined above, there are steps each of us can take right now -- today -- to help make it happen. But, as the political struggle in Washington shows, we need systemic change on a more fundamental and lasting basis. A Market-Based Solution We Can All Agree On Today, companies that extract, process, distribute, sell, purchase, and burn fossil fuels have little incentive to make transformational changes to their business model. Even faced with irrefutable scientific evidence about the dire human implications from their activities, the fossil fuel industry has chosen for decades to refute science with misinformation and has only accelerated the rate of greenhouse gas emissions into our environment. Where states like California have imposed strict emissions standards and other regulations, oil and gas companies, utilities, and car makers have been forced to adapt. But, it is not happening fast enough nor on a large enough scale. And most conservatives will fight or only grudgingly accept government regulation as the primary solution. To spur the innovation and accelerate our transition to clean energy, economists, policy analysts, and lawmakers from both major parties agree we need to place a price on the public health and environmental costs of carbon-based energy. With a revenue-neutral Carbon Fee and Dividend program, we can create a market-based incentive for companies to transition to clean, renewable energy sources, while distributing the revenue raised as a dividend to ease the temporary cost burden on households while green energy ramps up to scale. The Citizens Climate Lobby has been lobbying for a price on carbon for over a decade, with broad and growing bipartisan support in government, as well as from businesses and individuals.
At the Risk of Sounding Machiavellian
What now? Let's finish that excerpt from The Prince as Machiavelli explains the root causes for lukewarm support:
This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them.
Clearly, laws must change at some level, and a Carbon Fee and Dividend is the best chance we have for bipartisan support and corporate buy-in. You can help by writing or calling your senators and representatives to demand it be included in current legislation.
On the second point about readily believing in new things, we don't have the luxury of time for long experience. Electric and/or fuel-efficient vehicles and trucks, rooftop and utility-scale solar, reduced food waste, regenerative agriculture, a plant-forward diet, retrofitting our buildings for energy efficiency, a greater effort to reduce our reliance on single-use plastics... These are all steps we need to take en-masse. We can all lead by example. Every determined person or business is an inspiration for others... a way to accelerate our leap to the experience necessary to transform what we think of as normal. But enough of Machiavelli. Let's hear from another sage (if less wordy) philosopher, Yoda:
Do or do not. There is no try.
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February 2024